100 Women We Love: Class Of 2018

Each one of these women, in her own unique way, is a role model who exemplifies the best of the LGBTQ community.

E. Jaguar Beckford (Jag)

Photo by Courtesy of E. Jaguar Beckenford

“I am so over my sexuality and what people think,” says E. Jaguar Beckford, who is genderfluid. “At first I tried to fit in, wearing dresses and all to court appearances. So not me. Then I started making dope-ass suits, and my male counterparts would compliment me.” (You see? Authenticity pays off!) Beckford is the Founder and Executive Producer of Rainbow Fashion Week, which celebrates its fifth anniversary this year and offers exposure to companies that center queer style and opportunities to models who might not have them otherwise. According to Beckford, the event has put a spotlight on problems like bullying, domestic violence, trans and immigration justice, the environment, and breast cancer, such as when it showcased two survivors after their double mastectomies. “Fashion has always been my passion and, as a designer, I used that talent to support myself throughout law school,” Beckford says. This fashion superstar’s philosophy? “Stop letting people tell you the rules of how to get things done and just start!” Beckford, who also has over 15 years’ experience in litigation, says, “Make mistakes, learn, fall down, get back up, join support groups, realize that most people want you to fail, and just don’t give two hoots what anyone thinks.” —GH

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